While in the Keys and South Beach, I was thinking a lot about the colors. With photography, one is always looking at and trying to find the perfect light. Often times this is at the golden hour which is at both sunrise and sunset each day. When the sun is low in the sky, the colors are warmer and there are interesting shadows. However, there are also major differences in the color of the sky and surroundings based on geography.
When I was much younger I was reading a book by Frank Lloyd Wright and he was discussing the color of the sky in Greece along with the classic architecture. He was saying that one really needs to travel to Greece to appreciate the contrast of the sky, the Mediterranean Sea and the white buildings and architecture. When Barb and I were in Greece on our honeymoon, I "got it." The deep clear blue sky does truly set off the area with a light unlike what I'm use to in the Midwest.
With this recent trip to the Keys and Miami, I again saw the colors in the sky that I have not noticed in other areas. Lots of yellows, pinks and light blues, especially in the morning. Although I've never been much for pastel colors, I'm really starting to appreciate these colors and how they are sometimes used in design to create a certain mood. The yellow and lighter blue hull boats especially seem more fitting after spending time in Southern Florida.
I came to the same level of appreciation of the colors of the southwest after a motorcycle trip to Utah several years back. In part from the sky and also from the surroundings. The colors were different in this part of the country.
I'm sure there are many factors that all play into the normal light and color of the sky in different areas of the world. Between latitude (angle of the sun is greater as you move away from the equater), surroundings (such as the ocean, forests or red rock being reflected), altitude (great deep blue sky at high elevations), and particles in the air (moisture, dust, pollution) all would have some effect on quantity and quality of light.
Be sure to try to see and appreciate the different colors and qualities of light when at home and while traveling.